A downloadable game for Windows

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Riley is your average teenage girl... or at least that's what she thought. One day she meets... a talking skunk?! Riley agrees to help it, and her life changes. Maybe her love life as well... Wait, love... with a skunk?! What even is this game? How does this story go? That depends on you and your choices.


• Two possible endings: Good and Bad

• About 1 hour of playtime.

• Fully original music, graphics and plot.

The game has no walkthrough. It's really short.


Riley jest zwyczajną nastolatką... a przynajmniej tak zawsze o sobie myślała. Pewnego razu spotyka... gadającego skunksa?! Riley zgadza się mu pomóc, a jej życie ulega zmianie. Być może jej życie miłosne również... Miłosne... Ze skunksem?! Czym jest ta gra? Jak ta przygoda się potoczy? To już zależy od ciebie i twoich wyborów.

Gra Zawiera:

    • Dwa możliwe zakończenia: Dobre i Złe
    • Godzinną rozrywkę
    • W pełni oryginalną muzykę, grafikę i fabułę

Gra nie posiada solucji. Jest naprawdę krótka. 

Release date Apr 01, 2020
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
AuthorCrystal Birds Studio
GenreVisual Novel
Made withTyranoBuilder, Paint Tool SAI
Tags2D, Anime, Comedy, Dating Sim, Fantasy, One-shot, Otome, otome-game, Romance
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Polish
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Scent of Love [Polish].rar 130 MB
Scent of Love [English].rar 130 MB


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(1 edit)

Even though the game is only 1h long, the slow text speed makes it difficult to play and the skip function isn't working for me... Plus if it has multiple endings, saving really should be allowed... Art is good and the story sounds intriguing, so it's a shame it's not more accessible.


really wish you had a history or rollback. Miss-clicks can make you have to start all over again


BTW art is stunning!


I decided to try this game because of Meida. I can't kiss her so I'm mad. The plot was boring, I don't like MC or love interest but I love artwork (even if MC's head looks like levitating lol).  But game was a little fun. Can't wait for more games even if you queerbaiting us because I really thought I can date Meida here but noooooo. Only I can date a ugly twink. 4/10 I will never play this again.


thats a little harsh don't you think? 


That was adorable lol
I see what you did with Ash's shirt👀

I'd love a sequel with more of the witch because she's hot and I'm gae af for her


It's a really cute and silly little game- I really liked the characters interactions!


Bardzo mi się podobała. Bardzo przyjemna. Ciekawe złe zakończenia, no i sama koszulka głównego bohatera. XD


 It is really a great game😆


Historia krótka, ale zabawna. Dziękuję za grę i liczę na kolejne :)


It was nice and a little silly game, but I like it. Backgrounds and characters looks pretty. Music was fine too, but I feel sad, that we don't really know anything about characters and their life. I know it supposed be a short game, but still I really want to know more about them ^-^

I really wish the game had a save and load feature, because Skip option was... really weird, but well, it's a nice game anyway!

We don't know if we're going to do spin off or part 2 of the game. However, we are glad that you enjoyed our game!

P.S Skip is a joke in itself. ;)


I can't open the zip file for the English ver. It says that it might have an unknown format or it had been damage.

It works fine for me, but maybe you had problem when you downloaded it? Try download again or maybe use another program to unpack it. I used 7zip and everything works fine.


Very cute game, I like it.

Nie mam pojęcia, czy interesują was drobne błędy w pisowni (znalezione dwa) i opcjonalne błędy interpunkcyjne;
jeśli tak, to zapisałam je tutaj https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PDielQBituXSEogkV913LWOvwt90eZ-RhB26-xBh6zk/...
jeśli nie, to powiem tylko tyle, że gierka jest bardzo przyjemna, jednak — chociaż wiem, iż jest króciutka — brakowało mi zapisów. Przyzwyczajenie z innych gier, haha.

Arty są śliczniusie, a sama historia — bardzo zabawna i urocza.
Nie mówiąc już o tym, jak bardzo Ash jest w moim typie
Życzę więc powodzenia w przyszłych projektach!

(1 edit)

Dziękujemy bardzo za wiadomość! Jeśli będziemy robić aktualizacje z poprawianiem wszystkich błędów, z pewnością będziemy brać po uwagę twoją wypowiedź. Cieszymy się, że gra się spodobała!